Film Retrospective in Nürnberg

A retrospective of my movies will be held in Filmhaus Nürnberg, during the entire month of February. I'll be present on 1st, 2nd and 3rd February (Download the complete programme)

  • Fr., 1.2. "Die Vogelpredigt"
  • Sa., 2.2. "Macao"
  • Su., 3.2. "Geschichte der Nacht" and "Das Schlesische Tor"
  • Mo., 4.2. "Transes"
  • Sa., 9.2. "E Nachtlang Füürland"
  • Sa., 16.2. "Füürland 2"
  • Sa., 23.2. "Das Schweigen der Männer"
  • Mo., 25.2. "WerAngstWolf"